Monday, April 6, 2009

It's Monday!

Yep, it's Monday again.
I'm tired already.
I have 2 (I think) papers to create, plus draw some thumbnail sketches.
Kids are home on Spring Break...and loving it.
Tommy's in Forsyth with a slight knee injury.
Work is demanding, as usual. (Can't they do anything for themselves?)
Happy Monday.
I'm looking forward to a bed and some supper.
After I do my sketches. Heh.
(I am using Megan for my project...Performing Arts Poster....YAY!!!)
My poster will be much like the dolphin/tropical scene I created in the first term....only with performing arts...Baryshnikov....Megan....Maybe my dad...OOOO how cool would THAT be?? I was thinking Gershwin...and a metronome...with musical notes...and a stage curtain...SOOO cool if I can do it like I want my head it's's getting it down in the program and onto paper that is hardest!! to get some work done...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What happened to Tommy's knee!?