A while back, I mentioned Grandma's Breadbox in a post. I promised a photo...and well, here it is. Now mind you, I don't use the dang thing for keeping our bread in. It just sits on top of our microwave and looks pretty...so to speak. But as I type this up, I realize it might look even better in my scraproom as a storage piece...to store something-or-another. Heh. You scrappers know what I'm thinking there...We will see, after I get the rest of my stuff here and situated in 5 days or so...I'll update next week, I'm sure!

My diningroom table...will never look this way again. It was so beautifully clean until I did up the layouts and projects earlier this week. The girls and I actually liked eating here for a couple days...but we decided that we needed chair cushions...so we're taking donations if anyone has any they can donate...email me...hehe. Do you see the creamer and sugar bowl? THOSE are the INFAMOUS Grandma's Dishes...A single 10" plate runs about $12 on the net. They are PRE 1960...and I have eaten off of these things thousands of times in my lifetime. They are THE dishes we ate off of at Grandma's house...no exceptions. They were the only dishes they owned until my silly (and favorite) aunt bought them some new ones circa 1995 or so. They unpacked the new ones and packed up these for me....it's the only thing I begged for to my Grandma...I kept telling her...when you die, I want your dishes...that's all I want....until I saw the scrapbooks...lol. {As family historian, I should by rites have them...lol} I love these things...even if they are green and kinda ugly looking...I still love them....they hold so many memories and family gathering stories...now if they could only TALK...I'd be set!

These...are Tommy's Grandparent's dishes...Fine porcelain China at that...complete with a ceramic China pie server. I couldn't tell you how old they were, just that they were used at Thanksgiving and Christmas at G&G Pumper's every year. They are pretty and when we unpacked them, I told the girls we'll be eating off these for Christmas.

Nanny's Hutch...is a beautiful piece of furniture...don't look at the streaks...I haven't perfected my Windex skillz yet...as I so don't do windows...{this could be WHY}. But after we dusted and Windexed, Nanny's hutch was all pretty once again...as I'm sure she intended for it to be.

So that's my China story, and I'm stickin' to it....and it's Friday y'all...TGIF!
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