Monday, June 30, 2008
Last Few Days
This weekend we went blueberry picking over in Baxley at the Scott White place...Great guy...totally with overalls on sans the shirt and on the 4 wheeler with a shotgun...gotta love it...I shoulda got a picture of him but didn't even think about time though! On the way there and back...I captured some cool day when I build mine, I will take all the things I love about each individual one..and make into one house...So cool to have a neat house like this one...
This one is my favorite...on the way to Reidsville...LOVE LOVE LOVE this house and the breezeways it has...the clean lines and design is just awesome...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
And I'm spending the night at mom's house. And having lunch there too. With all the'd think they hadn't seen me in months and years....for pity's sake.
Don't make anymore plans for me now, I'm busy.
More it comes to me.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Still Stoked
You'd think they were hillbilly or something. I sent them an email...apparently they don't know how to use GOOGLE...and I stated that. They shoulda spent more time studying and less time drinking. Sad thing is, I graduated with Tommy's aunt's nephew...Keith'd think he would have asked Aunt Colleen...HELLLLL--O! In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little frustrated with our class reunion planners. Apparently they are still the snobby, stuck up folks they were back then...and they haven't changed for the better. We don't come from a big metropolis and this isn't rocket science people!
Anywho, I probably won't go as nobody I hung with will go. Although it'd be fun to take Cheryl and make that class eat their words. Hmmm....we'll see.
Ugh...they just frustrate me so. One day, I'll let that go...until then...I'll keep stewing. Putzes.
George is calling my name...I hear it stronger and stronger every day. Won't be long now honeybunch! No takers on the ride home either...guess I'll have to make some phone calls tomorrow. Speaking of phone calls...
We got a call on a puppy today...I emailed the guy...say a prayer that we sell these pups!
Work has been can tell it's summertime! OOOOOooo CHILD! (said in my bestest black southerner voice) And it's hot...and Erik is loving his new Boy Scout Troop...he goes to camp on the 29th of June for a week...Camp it!
{Guess I shoulda been a detective or something}
I better go to bed...I got a bad attitude tonight...and I don't want to share it that much!
Happy Tuesday!
Friday, June 20, 2008
29 Days
I am STOKED about these concerts.
Is my work day over with yet?
I still have 2 puppies for sale...put another ad in the paper too...hope they go fast...we need a puppy break...and a new fence. Yeah, a new fence.
Anywho, I'm updating my Amicus files (lawyer it) and having a little Taco Bell for lunch. Nachos Grande. Yum!
Talked to Tess this morning, and she isn't picking us up. She's having a party instead. Guess I will have to find a ride to her house as I'm staying in Ashley's room...or Megan's...or BOTH!
So...if anyone plans on being awake at midnight, can you pick us up at MSP Lindbergh Terminal please on July 5th?
I'll check with baby's momma too.
18 Days
I'm getting excited now.
I got my plane tickets yesterday.
Kylie will travel back with me.
We are arriving at midnight on Saturday, July 5.
Someone please tell Tess to pick us up.
I will try to call her today, again.
Don't make me wake her up now.
Although, now that she's a working girl, I bet she'll be up by 7...I'll call her then.
We're going to see George...Nananabooboo!
and Neil almost 2 weeks after that.
Trippy...if you're out there...PLEASE IM ME! (Nobody else tolerates my George rants)
Plans for the weekend?
~Organizing and cleaning my scrapspace. I will take a picture before...and you can see. I bet I post that on Monday.
~Getting more boxes and bins unpacked.
~Laundry, Dishes, the USUAL chores.
~Maybe roasting marshmallows if the rain holds off.
~Lounging, scrapping, staying home and being lazy hopefully on Sunday.
Other than that, nothing.
It's Friday...I hope to get done with work at 3...go to the bank and deposit my check...then hit WalMart for some grocery/supply shopping.
Happy Friday, y'all.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
We Did It!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Life is not all about work.
Life is not all about proper.
Life is not all about unpacking.
Life is supposed to be lived.
As I was unpacking some boxes of kitchen stuff this morning, I realized this. Mind you, I have been up since 3 a.m...and not because I was lonely either, but because I was well rested. I have already washed 3 loads of clothes and dried 2 as well as washed and put away the supper dishes.
Yes, I have been busy. But it's the best time for me to get some things done without the constant "MOM! She this...." or "MOM! She that..."
Yes, it's peaceful this early in the mornings...and I love my "peace" time. Life is good. I have been reflecting on it today....I think I'll ask the Mrs. Boss if I can take today off and surprise my family with a little daytrip to the beach. The high is supposed to be 98 today...and after I file and serve my subpoenas this morning, I think I'll ask her.
That's after I take Erik to the Department of Health to get certified to register for school. That's first thing this morning at 8 a.m. when they open up.
Happy Tuesday!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
So..all you Father's out there...that read...Happy Father's Day...know that I am thinking of you!
It's hard to believe that my baby girl is 12 already...seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital in that cute little Minnie Mouse dress with matching booties. She was the easiest birth out of them all...and the smallest of my babies at 6 pounds 3 ounces.
It's been fun to watch her grow from that little infant girl into this young lady she's becoming today. With a few more years and some Southern Belle charm, I think she'll turn into a fine young lady one day.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
They Made It!
In a few short hours, Kylie will be here. Tom has to make a run up to Atlanta to get her from the airport. She'll fly back to Minnesota with me in July...check the George Michael Meter at the bottom of this page to know when that is..hehe.
Natalea turns 12 tomorrow. We are having a slumber birthday party and amongst the moving mess we have around here. It will take some unpacking and time to do so, but I think we'll git er done...after all...I'm the Git Er Done Girl.
I'll post more on our weekend plans tomorrow...I have to go get ready for work so Tom can drop me off at an unruly hour...
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Memphis and Life Art
My life as I know it has finally been defined. I am a Life Artist. I scrap more than events. I scrap life. My life (OUR LIFE) is an open book. I scrap the good and the bad. I just finished reading this book....

SOOOOO inspiring...I wanted to just scrap right then and there! But...I was too tired...still inspiring and I plan on rereading it...along with Ali's other 2 books I own...and write down all the challenges and make a list...then cross them off as I do them...I will conquer these books...after this weekend...which Friday is Natalea's birthday.
She'll be 12. A preteen even. Doesn't seem possible, but yet here we are. So Friday night is a slumber party with Taylor and Caitlin and then off to Tybee on Saturday for lunch at the Dolphin Reef and the ops are abundant...only have 2 staged photos planned. I love the beach...sand and surf...ocean waves crashing onto the beach...a perfect day to me sounds like!
Sunday is Father's Day...we have no plans except to spend the day together. I think we'll work on some special projects for Tom and the other fathers in our life this week.
Ok, I'm off to explore the links in the back of that book...if you want to know more about on the Ali E link to the left. She is SO rockin' the scrapworld! (She's a great BINGO caller too!)
Happy Tuesday...
Monday, June 9, 2008
4 Wheelin'

Sunday, June 8, 2008
48 Hours
Tom and Erik will load up the truck today and I hope leave after that. I will be worried about them until they get here. UGH! I hate stress!
In any event, I still have the livingroom to clean up and my scraproom. I also have to get the fridge pulled out and vacuum the coils...that thing gives off way too much heat. I may scrub the floor, we'll see how ambitious I get.
All the laundry is done, until the girls get their room cleaned..then I'm SURE I'll have 4 loads at the very least. I should take a picture of my laundry looks nice in there. I need a shelf over my washer and dryer though, then I can eliminate the shelves that sit on the floor and then my hampers will fit nicely in there. Yep, I better take a'll never be that nice looking again.
Happy Sunday y'all.
Stay cool...high of 98 today!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
30 Days Hath September
Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty eight alone
All the rest have thirty-one
Except in Leap Year, that's the time
When February's Days are twenty-nine

Need I say MORE?
I'm off to shower and head to Wal-Mart to load up that card so my boys can make the trip home. Tommy wants to leave Monday morning...sans the car and tow dolly...I'll drive it home in July...or sell it or junk it...whichever we decide.
Happy Saturday...
Friday, June 6, 2008

A While Back
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Another Teaser
I'll have to do a layout one day of all my quirks...that was a post last year sometime in the fall...I remember it vaguely...'tis why I I can write it down and remember.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hump Day Sneak Peek
Happy Hump Day!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Saturday Photos
Saturday morning...9a.m....90 degrees....
Saturday afternoon....3p.m....98 degrees....
And I'm not talking about the BOY BAND either....
So I tell the girls...Let's go get some Happy Sonic...and THIS is my new favorite drink...
Mocha Java Chiller...Sonic Style...