Ashley is sooo dang excited! Not only does she get to be on tv, but she gets to see the director of her camp and one of her favorite people, Sara! Oh yeah...while I'm on the's a link to Camp Odayin:
It's a Heart Camp...where the kids can go and be kids and not have to worry about the heart condition they have. Very cool...and they post pics for us every year! I think Ashley is in this year's brochure. My grandma said my mother grabbed a bunch yesterday at the Heart Clinic when she took Remmie up to his appointment!
A little bit of history on Ash. She's our miracle baby. She was born with Epstein's Anomaly. She spent the first 3 months of her life at Minneapolis Children's Hospital and has had numerous surgeries on her heart only to end up with a pacemaker. She's 17 now. They said she wouldn't live that long. They said she'd never walk either. "They" were wrong. She has surpassed all the goals they have set for her. And in the fall, she'll be a Junior at Faribault High School. Truly a miracle.

Enjoy your glory girl! You've worked hard for it!
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