Click on the link to the right...>>
Feel free to join us on the message board for games, fun, and prizes. They have the best shopping place online EVAH! And check out that Bazzill Swatch book for the best hands down way to match your papers up!! I have the Classic one and it's the most reached for supply I have and has saved me on more than 1 occasion! I actually have just won a newer version on the Get It Scrapped site...looking forward to that as well! (I'll pass my classic one on to my SIL if she wants it!)
Let me tell you MY ScrapSupply story....
It all began with ScrappersAnonymous.Com. One day I decided I needed a 12 step program for my newfound addiction to all things paper and brad. So I did a search (Pre-Google Era) for Scrapbooking Anonymous and found this message board. Well they sucked me in, hook, line, and sinker and before I knew it I had over 1000 posts. Great, another addiction for me to overcome. Pretty soon they had a celebration crop of some sort and well I won a $20 gift certificate to So I mosied on over there...looked around...she didn't have much then I remember. So I got this:

That's right...Order #21 on June 12, 2004. Shipped to me on June 13th. With M&M's too. I was hooked from that day forward. I don't have a bad thing to say about Wendy and John (Tech Support) White. They have rocked my scrappin' world for 5 years and I've never regretted it and love them and their store dearly with all my heart! I even painted their logo on my wall for inspiration. Soon, I'll have that same logo on a canvas to carry with me should I decide to move ever again. ;)
It's fun to see this place grow so latest order placed on April 26, 2009 was order number 10,857! And the ladies on this board ROCK!! Not only are they full of great advice and inspiration, but they are some of the MOST creative ladies I've come across in my life and are great mentors in my crafty world!!
I won a contest once for the Most Obsessed ScrapSupply member...the Design Team scrapped my photos for me...all of them will hang one day on a Wall of Fame...right now I have Kim Kesti and Wendy's layouts up there. The others are safely tucked away until we can get frames and ribbon. ;)
While you're there, pick me up a gift certificate for MY birthday in 3 months...hehehe!! Just call 1-800-866-7348 and Wendy will hook you up. She's got all my information on her computer and even has access to my wishlist!!
Happy Saturday...Go get your ScrapSupply on!!
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