The ever fabulous (and can be found to the right) Tania Willis has this cute monkey tutorial on her blog and this is what Gabby and Mo did with it....

Now on to the Band Concert....
A girl and her tuba...knowing that her momma is taking pictures...she even manages to crack a smile while THAT's true talent!
Erik sitting ever so of the few well behaved boys in the 8th grade...
Coach McNeely...a.k.a. Coach McHottie...WAS NOT happy with Dalton and DJ...those 2 boys ended up sitting out in the middle of the floor seperated. How sad to be making trouble during an assembly and in the 8th grade too. I could go on...but I'll stop there. ;)
The CRCT Wall of Fame. Gabby is on there from last year exceeding in 3 areas of the test. This year however, she'll be one of the few that got all 5 areas mastered! Way to go Gabby!!
And actually all my kids did really well and it's safe to say that they will all progress to the next grade level.
I'm glad for the long weekend gives me a chance to catch up on some things around here and get preparations done for Ashley's graduation.
Her invites turned out AWESOME!
I'll post those tomorrow...along with my Marlar layout I plan on doing tonight!
Happy Tuesday!
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