Friday, May 22, 2009

8th Grade Promotion

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Collins Elementary/Middle School
Collins, Georgia
My son broke all the rules.
Here Principal/Coach Chris Freeman hands out the most ELITE and coveted award...
The Bobcat Award
to my son.
Only 2 per year are given, 1 male and 1 female. My son graciously accepted this award for doing what he does best.
Helping others.
He carried the sleepy little boy off the bus every day that he rode it.
He helped put chairs out and always did what was asked without complaint.
He is an example of what a model student is.
Usually this award goes to a student who has been at the school their whole academic career.
Not this year.
In one year, my son made a difference and an impact on the lives of these teachers and students at this school.
How many school Principals do you know of that hug their students?
This one does and the children remember that for the rest of their lives.
Erik is receiving his Promotion Certificate from Coach Freeman.
All the teachers that were present lined up like a reception line to congratulate all the 8th graders. Here, Ms. Randall, Erik's Special Ed. teacher (in the blue) is congratulating him.
That's Coach Eubanks to the right. He was Erik's football coach last year and just adores Erik.
All the teachers at this school are A+ teachers. They put their hearts into their work and teach every single student love for the subject and respect for other people. Ms. Rhoden even jumped up on chairs and desks to make it interesting.
They do what they HAVE to, to reach that child and teach that child.
That's what I love about this school.
Erik's Bobcat Award.
Happy Last Day of School Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg. THAT'S MY GRANDSON!!!!. Am soooo very proud of him. Way to go Erik. See you soon. grandma