Ok, I had to go to Court today...Toombs County to be exact. Not QUITE what you were thinking for. I had to read a Deposition to the Jury for my boss, Mr. Tippett.
First thought, when I sat down in the courtroom as I am looking around at the different people:
The Bailiff is wearing Khaki pants...and a blue plaid shirt...with a red fleece vest. Now I know we are in the south, but come on now...REALLY??
Apparently they don't have to wear the Sheriff's uniform like they do in Minnesota. Okay, next thought.
That Judge is HOT! And YOUNG! And as I took my seat at the witness stand, I read that his name was Tommy J. Smith. I sent him a resume. Darn it all...I shoulda ASKED for that job! {Nah, I really like my Mr. Tippett}
SO...I read through the whole deposition, trying to concentrate and pronounce medical terminology properly...pretty soon...here comes said Bailiff...with a half a cup of water...cause I was having to clear my throat a little bit.
As I continued reading, I had to smile for a second as I thought what a great scrapbooking moment this would be if I had my camera. Almost giggled on the stand. I had to stop myself.
I'm sure the Jury wondered what the hell I was giggling at. They'll never know, unless they read this blog, which is highly unlikely.
THEN...I stop at Zaxby's for lunch and a Zen salad. I saw the commercial on TV that Lori Smith did. It was DELISH!
Ok, back to work I go. I have to organize and input files into the computer today and schedule some hearings.
Have a great day, y'all!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Neil Diamond
ROW 20
SEATS 10-11-12.....
$118 + tax and fees apiece.
The look on my face when I got the text message and my purse vibrated on the floor.....
I have a date with ND July 19, 2008. Yep, him and George could have coordinated that better for sure. To perform the same arena 12 days apart, well that's just insane. SO insane in fact, that I can't exactly wrap my head around it...YET. Or the fact that I have 2 planes to catch within 12 days..well..that's just about too much fun for me!
I love to ride a plane, that's not the problem.
I can't stand the whiny, crying, kids on there.
MEGAN...borrow me your iPOD. Ship it please!
NO, don't. Last time it took forEVAH before my ears popped...they hurt for 2 days afterwards!
I'm not bringing Mack Daddy to the shows either...but I will bring him on the trip with me. I plan on staying at Tess's house this time. I am going to spend one night with Cheryl too...since I'm off on the 4th of July, I guess I'll have to take a little vacay.
OH, and in case you were wondering, I LOVE MY NEW JOB!
I learned so much already in one day...almost have that AMICUS program figured out already!
Rule Of Thumb: If you ask me to iron your clothes, I expect eternal and everlasting friendship.
So don't ask, if you can't put out. Just like being married...hehehe.
Love y'all,
ROW 20
SEATS 10-11-12.....
$118 + tax and fees apiece.
The look on my face when I got the text message and my purse vibrated on the floor.....
I have a date with ND July 19, 2008. Yep, him and George could have coordinated that better for sure. To perform the same arena 12 days apart, well that's just insane. SO insane in fact, that I can't exactly wrap my head around it...YET. Or the fact that I have 2 planes to catch within 12 days..well..that's just about too much fun for me!
I love to ride a plane, that's not the problem.
I can't stand the whiny, crying, kids on there.
MEGAN...borrow me your iPOD. Ship it please!
NO, don't. Last time it took forEVAH before my ears popped...they hurt for 2 days afterwards!
I'm not bringing Mack Daddy to the shows either...but I will bring him on the trip with me. I plan on staying at Tess's house this time. I am going to spend one night with Cheryl too...since I'm off on the 4th of July, I guess I'll have to take a little vacay.
OH, and in case you were wondering, I LOVE MY NEW JOB!
I learned so much already in one day...almost have that AMICUS program figured out already!
Rule Of Thumb: If you ask me to iron your clothes, I expect eternal and everlasting friendship.
So don't ask, if you can't put out. Just like being married...hehehe.
Love y'all,
The Babies Have Been Delivered!
Yes, our (V-Man and I) set of Twins came about healthy, happy and full of life.
For those of you that don't know, the joke on the poker table was that V and I were having twins on April 25, 2008....via C-Section at 5:00 p.m. Now if you were smart enough to put 2+3 together, you'd know that those Twins were Bruce and Irene and their birth was their wedding. We used to joke around like that alot. But back to the wedding.
It was beautiful.
It was fun.
It was not without rearranging.
It was without incident or drama.
I didn't get to clean anyone's clock for misbehaving.
Helen gave a 6 page toast. {Didn't seem like 6 pages though...it was great Helen!}
Qui and Helen have never been in an American wedding before. I schooled them proper, and now they can go on and be pro's. They were fabulous...and so easy to work with...THANK YOU BOTH for making my job easy!!
Canadian-American wedding themes are AWESOME! I have a new love for the Canadian and American flags being put together...THANK YOU IRENE!
Web cam's were on all night...both for the ceremony and for the dance.
I have become a Canuck Wanna-Be. THANK YOU SUSAN!
Red, Red Wine...will never be the same now...after all the bottles that Peter and Qui drank. Neither remember exactly how many. 10 were bought though, that is a fact.
384 photos were taken during the weekend. You KNOW there has to be SOME good ones in that mess!
Bruce's family is really nice...so is Irene's...and both families are crazy and like to have a great time.
Qui was fought over by 2 older women...and enjoyed it...{Flo and Lorraine...Irene's sisters!}
Hooters was the topic of conversation many times.
Hottie DJ's were abundant. And gay. All the cute ones are, you know. But they were fabulous.
Yes, it was a great time. There were no complaints, only compliments. A good time was had by all.
Memories were made and alot of firsts happened. Qui's first snowfall, for instance. He'd never seen snow actually fall from the sky. He didn't know he could look like Santa either once it hits your face for a while and covers your eyebrows and hair up. That's what you get when you live in California.
Alice...and her husband are a hoot. I know where they live. Hehe. He kept razzing Irene about booby-trapping the bridal suite. I was the bridal suite police...hehe. I know where you live. *wink
So, the delivery went well, as planned and on schedule. Qui and I are the proud parents of one of the most fabulous unions in the United States. We're kinda proud of that.
Happy Monday...and here's to things getting back to normal as I start my new job today!
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Bestman And The Bridesmaid...Part 3
Houston, We have TOUCHDOWN!
Our V-Man arrived yesterday...safe, sound, and hotter than ever! We are all thrilled that he made it. Unfortunately, we will only have 2/3 here as our Bridesmaid Tiffany couldn't make the wedding due to health issues. We are thinking of you Tiffany and wish you a speedy recovery Shugah! {I know you are reading this today!}
So the festivities began with Natalea and I helping Irene decorate the banquet hall yesterday. It looks sensational if I do say so myself. It's definitely Canada and USA United! I will post pictures when I can.
The Rehearsal went off without a hitch or incident. Janice and I handled that pretty well. Everyone understands their directions and instructions, so there should be a zero tolerance for mistakes today. Everything will be expected to be run perfectly smooth.
Irene's family mostly has arrived. They are a hoot. A bunch of crazy old Canucks. What else is there to say...they are some great people. Lorraine wants to hit Hooter's tonight. She's up for Shooters at Hooters again! I think we should bring Flo and train her proper as well. Heck, let's bring all the crazy Canucks and Hooterize them. No, in all seriousness, they are really fun and really friendly. We couldn't be surrounded by better people.
Well, I'll write more tomorrow and give you the skinny on the wedding. Should be a great time had by all that are attending. I will post pics as soon as possible. Of course, the Bride and Groom get to see them first and they will be edited to perfection.
Happy Friday!
Happy Wedding Day!
Our V-Man arrived yesterday...safe, sound, and hotter than ever! We are all thrilled that he made it. Unfortunately, we will only have 2/3 here as our Bridesmaid Tiffany couldn't make the wedding due to health issues. We are thinking of you Tiffany and wish you a speedy recovery Shugah! {I know you are reading this today!}
So the festivities began with Natalea and I helping Irene decorate the banquet hall yesterday. It looks sensational if I do say so myself. It's definitely Canada and USA United! I will post pictures when I can.
The Rehearsal went off without a hitch or incident. Janice and I handled that pretty well. Everyone understands their directions and instructions, so there should be a zero tolerance for mistakes today. Everything will be expected to be run perfectly smooth.
Irene's family mostly has arrived. They are a hoot. A bunch of crazy old Canucks. What else is there to say...they are some great people. Lorraine wants to hit Hooter's tonight. She's up for Shooters at Hooters again! I think we should bring Flo and train her proper as well. Heck, let's bring all the crazy Canucks and Hooterize them. No, in all seriousness, they are really fun and really friendly. We couldn't be surrounded by better people.
Well, I'll write more tomorrow and give you the skinny on the wedding. Should be a great time had by all that are attending. I will post pics as soon as possible. Of course, the Bride and Groom get to see them first and they will be edited to perfection.
Happy Friday!
Happy Wedding Day!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Someone Famous
We were up early and to the airport even earlier...don't let anyone tell you nobody is on the road at 5 a.m. in Savannah, Georgia.
The girls rode the escalators about 5 times after I got the van parked. I took pictures and will post those when I get home.
We got to the ticket counter to check in. Our suitcase weighed in at 72 pounds. The 3 bricks didn't help either. The 2 bags of toiletries was a factor also. It was comical. We ended up checking the girl's backpack along with the suitcase 'cause well, they weren't allowing all them toiletries on the plane as a carry-on item. The bricks went to the garbage can at the security checkpoint. {The girls will make more for you Cheryl, Irene, and Megan.}
I told the ticket man the girls had never flown before, and he made sure we were first on the plane and told us to stop and check in with the Captain....who might I add...was HOT! {Go FIGURE!} Only 22 passsengers on this little Airbus. It was a quiet flight and only 1 hour to Memphis.
Arrive in Memphis, find our gate and board the plane right away. We find row 34 at the back of the 747 and in seat D is a man. I say to him, "Excuse me sir, I think you are in my seat." He says, "I'm sorry, here sit with your family." He moves to the window seat, I sit in the aisle. After we take off, Monique decides she wants to come and sit with me. She sits between the man and I and proceeds to fall asleep...and leans on the man.
Now mind you, I am waiting for him to politely say, "Ma'am, can you please move your child?"
But he never did. He fell asleep as well...and when I looked over at them in between my own dozing, he had his head on hers. It was just precious. 2 strangers, sleeping on each other, neither of them caring that they were strangers. It was actually refreshing. I was going to take a picture. I SHOULD HAVE. That was PRICELESS.
Said Man wakes up as we are almost to Minneapolis. We engage in a conversation about Minneapolis and how we moved from Minnesota to Georgia, etc., etc. He states he's on his way to Yellowstone to shoot photos. States he has 20 GRAND in cameral equipment that he checked in. I said, "20 Thousand dollars? Are you someone famous or something?" He said, "Nah." So I proceed to tell him that I am shooting my first wedding this weekend. He tells me that if I need any assistance or have any questions, to please call him or email him. I told him I would. Then he hands me this beautiful postcard and tells me to check out his website. He was so gracious and humble, I didn't give it a second thought.
We finally get to my mom's house and I finally get a chance to check out the website.
I should have gotten an autograph.
It turns out that my mystery famous photographer is none other than Jon Holloway. From South Carolina. Who's shot for National Geographic. Go check it out. Get some inspiration while you are there too.
I will post the Rehearsal and Wedding things on Saturday.
Have a great weekend and I'll see you then!
The girls rode the escalators about 5 times after I got the van parked. I took pictures and will post those when I get home.
We got to the ticket counter to check in. Our suitcase weighed in at 72 pounds. The 3 bricks didn't help either. The 2 bags of toiletries was a factor also. It was comical. We ended up checking the girl's backpack along with the suitcase 'cause well, they weren't allowing all them toiletries on the plane as a carry-on item. The bricks went to the garbage can at the security checkpoint. {The girls will make more for you Cheryl, Irene, and Megan.}
I told the ticket man the girls had never flown before, and he made sure we were first on the plane and told us to stop and check in with the Captain....who might I add...was HOT! {Go FIGURE!} Only 22 passsengers on this little Airbus. It was a quiet flight and only 1 hour to Memphis.
Arrive in Memphis, find our gate and board the plane right away. We find row 34 at the back of the 747 and in seat D is a man. I say to him, "Excuse me sir, I think you are in my seat." He says, "I'm sorry, here sit with your family." He moves to the window seat, I sit in the aisle. After we take off, Monique decides she wants to come and sit with me. She sits between the man and I and proceeds to fall asleep...and leans on the man.
Now mind you, I am waiting for him to politely say, "Ma'am, can you please move your child?"
But he never did. He fell asleep as well...and when I looked over at them in between my own dozing, he had his head on hers. It was just precious. 2 strangers, sleeping on each other, neither of them caring that they were strangers. It was actually refreshing. I was going to take a picture. I SHOULD HAVE. That was PRICELESS.
Said Man wakes up as we are almost to Minneapolis. We engage in a conversation about Minneapolis and how we moved from Minnesota to Georgia, etc., etc. He states he's on his way to Yellowstone to shoot photos. States he has 20 GRAND in cameral equipment that he checked in. I said, "20 Thousand dollars? Are you someone famous or something?" He said, "Nah." So I proceed to tell him that I am shooting my first wedding this weekend. He tells me that if I need any assistance or have any questions, to please call him or email him. I told him I would. Then he hands me this beautiful postcard and tells me to check out his website. He was so gracious and humble, I didn't give it a second thought.
We finally get to my mom's house and I finally get a chance to check out the website.
I should have gotten an autograph.
It turns out that my mystery famous photographer is none other than Jon Holloway. From South Carolina. Who's shot for National Geographic. Go check it out. Get some inspiration while you are there too.
I will post the Rehearsal and Wedding things on Saturday.
Have a great weekend and I'll see you then!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It's TIME!
Everything on my list....CHECK!
Just have to change the litter box for Scooter and wait on the girls to finish getting ready. They were up right after I was this morning at 2:45 am! They're not excited or anything.
"My baby loves me, yes, yes she does."
Nothing like a little NEIL to get your juices flowing in the morning. ESPECIALLY if you've had no coffee. I wasn't about to make a full pot...and I ran out of chocolate.
Ok, Happy Hump Day.
Gotta get Scoots situated and happy and then we're off.
See you in 7 hours, my FAM! The girls are all behind me waiting to leave....
Just have to change the litter box for Scooter and wait on the girls to finish getting ready. They were up right after I was this morning at 2:45 am! They're not excited or anything.
"My baby loves me, yes, yes she does."
Nothing like a little NEIL to get your juices flowing in the morning. ESPECIALLY if you've had no coffee. I wasn't about to make a full pot...and I ran out of chocolate.
Ok, Happy Hump Day.
Gotta get Scoots situated and happy and then we're off.
See you in 7 hours, my FAM! The girls are all behind me waiting to leave....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
One More Day
One more day...and we'll be "Up North". I'm hoping to have a good, worry-free, time. We'll see.
The girls and I picked out our polish colors for our toes last night. Since we're wearing sandals and all, I figure at least our toes should look good.
So much to do today. So little time.
~I *MUST* go talk to the Hottie Postmaster Bill Jones today.
~After school, we have to take the dogs (all 5) to the kennel. Say a prayer that I sell at least 1 puppy today.
~Have to stop at Lowe's and pick up my grommet after that, since we'll be in Vidalia anyway.
~Come home and have supper and do up dishes.
~Finish laundry.
~Finish packing the suitcase and double checking girls' pack jobs. (I so don't trust them yet to pack up their own clothes. Mo has 4 pairs of jammies in there!)
~Get some gas and oil in the van. I hope it'll be safe at the airport.
~Set the alarm clock for 3am...I must be lonely.
~Get the Coke sale stuff from school today too. Then pack it all up for UPS to pick up tomorrow.
I know I'm forgetting something. So please, leave a comment and let me know what it is.
We are so excited to see everyone this weekend. It will be a nice visit and I hope a great time.
Happy Tuesday, y'all.
The girls and I picked out our polish colors for our toes last night. Since we're wearing sandals and all, I figure at least our toes should look good.
So much to do today. So little time.
~I *MUST* go talk to the Hottie Postmaster Bill Jones today.
~After school, we have to take the dogs (all 5) to the kennel. Say a prayer that I sell at least 1 puppy today.
~Have to stop at Lowe's and pick up my grommet after that, since we'll be in Vidalia anyway.
~Come home and have supper and do up dishes.
~Finish laundry.
~Finish packing the suitcase and double checking girls' pack jobs. (I so don't trust them yet to pack up their own clothes. Mo has 4 pairs of jammies in there!)
~Get some gas and oil in the van. I hope it'll be safe at the airport.
~Set the alarm clock for 3am...I must be lonely.
~Get the Coke sale stuff from school today too. Then pack it all up for UPS to pick up tomorrow.
I know I'm forgetting something. So please, leave a comment and let me know what it is.
We are so excited to see everyone this weekend. It will be a nice visit and I hope a great time.
Happy Tuesday, y'all.
Monday, April 21, 2008
2 Months
2 Weeks
2 Days
Scroll down to the bottom of this page please.
I have changed this up a bit to accomodate you in your feat to find it.
2 Weeks
2 Days
Scroll down to the bottom of this page please.
I have changed this up a bit to accomodate you in your feat to find it.
Lunch At Tiffany's
The girls went swimming with Tiffany's kids and had a ball as usual. Andrew was out golfing with Bobby so he missed it all. We had chicken strips, french fries, and Mo's FAV macaroni and cheese. And me and Tiffany got to discuss business as usual.
(Yesterday's post was the after effects of this lunch date.)
It was a great afternoon and a much needed break of all the stress going on with me right now.
I do know...it will all be worth it come Friday.
Speaking of which, here's the Minnesota schedule, tentatively speaking. Of course, all times are subject to change, as well as events.
10:30 am--Arrive at MSP
12:00--Lunch at Al's
2:00--School visits/Pick up Brother
5:00--Supper with Cheryl at Basilleo's
2:00-3:00--Head to Minneapolis for decorating and Rehearsal
5:00--Photograph Decorations!
7:00--Drink at The Beach
10:00--Lights OUT!
Get ready for the Wedding!
9:00--Get girls' hair done and myself ready
1:00--Head to Hotel for more pics!
3:00--Make sure guys are ready/Get girls ready
10:00--Get my drunk on?? (Lol..nah...won't be that bad)
Family gathering??
(Tess is having her house painted..so Ashley's not getting a big whoop-de-doo.)
8:00 am--Arrive at MSP to head home!
Then Monday, I'll start my new job.
Exciting stuff I tell ya. It will be a much needed vacay.
{Hey Torm, Happy Monday}
Happy Monday to the rest of y'all as well.
10 more days left in April...WHERE has the time gone??
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It's V!
No...I'm teasing...It's REALLY an "M"...in an abstract artsy kinda Marlar style way. I decided to finally paint my bulletin board today. I was inspired to say the least. Then I took a break and had lunch with Tiffany.
{That's a WHOLE NOTHER blog post!}
Came home with a can of metallic gold spray paint...and well..the second picture is the result. Yep, still have puppies for sale.
And a crazy cat that sleeps in Bubba's kennel. Who knew.
THEN...since I was being so creative...the girls got a hair brained idea {WONDER who they get that from?} to get their creative on...so in their skivvey's...they did just that. They are their momma's girls.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Year And A Day
Happy Blogging Anniversary to me.
I have been blogging for 1 year and 1 day as of today.
Feels kinda good to reach this milestone. I wasn't sure I'd keep up with this blog, but I guess I'm here for the duration.
Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting my crazy journaling style and for reading faithfully as I babble on and on and ON about our lives and other miscellaneous stuff.
Thank you for viewing all my photos.
Thank you for putting up with all my different videos.
{Speaking of which, I need to change that today}
Thank you for your kind and not so kind comments.
I appreciate each and every one of them.
Even the dorky ones.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Each and every one of you have touched my life in some way, shape or form. HA! If you only knew just how much. I don't forget those that have left an impression upon my heart. Even if you wronged me. I've always been like that though.
Next weekend I will meet some of you. Some for the first time, and others for the umpteenth time. I'll tell you then how much you mean to me.
Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of this crazy book of my life. It's only gonna get better. There will be many changes taking place this year, I can feel it. It's already started and I'm exhilarated and excited about it. I'm learning to embrace change. Everyday I'm learning.
Happy Saturday everyone.
Please leave a comment.
I'd love to hear from you!
I have been blogging for 1 year and 1 day as of today.
Feels kinda good to reach this milestone. I wasn't sure I'd keep up with this blog, but I guess I'm here for the duration.
Thank you to all my friends and family for supporting my crazy journaling style and for reading faithfully as I babble on and on and ON about our lives and other miscellaneous stuff.
Thank you for viewing all my photos.
Thank you for putting up with all my different videos.
{Speaking of which, I need to change that today}
Thank you for your kind and not so kind comments.
I appreciate each and every one of them.
Even the dorky ones.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Each and every one of you have touched my life in some way, shape or form. HA! If you only knew just how much. I don't forget those that have left an impression upon my heart. Even if you wronged me. I've always been like that though.
Next weekend I will meet some of you. Some for the first time, and others for the umpteenth time. I'll tell you then how much you mean to me.
Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of this crazy book of my life. It's only gonna get better. There will be many changes taking place this year, I can feel it. It's already started and I'm exhilarated and excited about it. I'm learning to embrace change. Everyday I'm learning.
Happy Saturday everyone.
Please leave a comment.
I'd love to hear from you!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Mr. Tippett's Secretary
Well, what can I say about her?
She's funny.
She's talented.
She's a true natural.
Not to brag or anything, but...
She's ME!
Yep! I got offered a job working with a lawyer, Mr. C. Lewis Tippet, Attorney at Law.
To say that I'm tickled isn't even cutting it close!
He SO reminds me of Steve...and apparently Steve made quite an impression on me because I hold him in high regard.
I think Mr. Tippett and I will get along just fine.
I get my own desk and little office in the back of the building. His office connects with mine...so you walk through my office to get to his.
When I emailed him Steve's email {so he could contact Steve for a reference--THANK YOU STEVE!}, he saw that in my signature it says "Scrapbooker Extraordinaire". Don't you know he emailed me back and said his wife was a CM Consultant and he'd have to keep us apart. At least he knows where he stands in the line of priorities....as with any spouse of a scrapper...2nd to Scrapbooking.
I'm excited to start working with Mr. Tippett and the rest of the Staff at Salter & Shook, Attorneys At Law. I start this new adventure on April 28, 2008, after I return from Minnesota.
I am SO looking forward to it. I didn't know I'd miss the office as much as I do.
BIG HONKIN' HUGE THANKS BUNCHES to Mr. Steve Ecker, Attorney At Law, for making my first Legal Secretary position such a rewarding and pleasant experience for me. And for putting up with my M&M-munching self. You are truly a great teacher and mentor, and because you gave me a chance, I truly believe I have found my life-long career and natural talent. So THANK YOU!
With that said, Happy Friday Y'all!
I'm off to start my very busy day.
She's funny.
She's talented.
She's a true natural.
Not to brag or anything, but...
She's ME!
Yep! I got offered a job working with a lawyer, Mr. C. Lewis Tippet, Attorney at Law.
To say that I'm tickled isn't even cutting it close!
He SO reminds me of Steve...and apparently Steve made quite an impression on me because I hold him in high regard.
I think Mr. Tippett and I will get along just fine.
I get my own desk and little office in the back of the building. His office connects with mine...so you walk through my office to get to his.
When I emailed him Steve's email {so he could contact Steve for a reference--THANK YOU STEVE!}, he saw that in my signature it says "Scrapbooker Extraordinaire". Don't you know he emailed me back and said his wife was a CM Consultant and he'd have to keep us apart. At least he knows where he stands in the line of priorities....as with any spouse of a scrapper...2nd to Scrapbooking.
I'm excited to start working with Mr. Tippett and the rest of the Staff at Salter & Shook, Attorneys At Law. I start this new adventure on April 28, 2008, after I return from Minnesota.
I am SO looking forward to it. I didn't know I'd miss the office as much as I do.
BIG HONKIN' HUGE THANKS BUNCHES to Mr. Steve Ecker, Attorney At Law, for making my first Legal Secretary position such a rewarding and pleasant experience for me. And for putting up with my M&M-munching self. You are truly a great teacher and mentor, and because you gave me a chance, I truly believe I have found my life-long career and natural talent. So THANK YOU!
With that said, Happy Friday Y'all!
I'm off to start my very busy day.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Packing and To Do Lists
There are so many preparations and lists of things to get done before Tuesday.
I say Tuesday because that's the last day to get it all done.
Our flight leaves Wednesday at 7:00 am which means we are at the airport and parked by 5:00 am.
I hope the van survives the parking garage.
She won't know how to act being under cover for that many days.
Dogs to the vet and shots updated.....CHECK.
Kennel contacted and verified.............CHECK.
Budget for gas and parking..................CHECK.
Now, just have to make a list FOR the dogs and their vacation destination. They'll be departing Tuesday afternoon and we'll pick them up Sunday evening.
~Toys (puppies)
~Blanket (maybe)
~Vet documentation
The Girls' list is easy.....
~Dresses and shoes
Mine is a little bit more complicated....
~Curling Iron/Hair Dryer
~The B&I Wedding Binder
~Etc., Etc., Etc.
Needless to say, we'll be using the big honkin' suitcase. Hopefully mom will let us use her little travel one for our night trip to the cities for the wedding.
Did I mention we are totally STOKED!?!?!?!?!?
Should be a great time had by all...if I have anything to say about it.
Well I'm off to get something done around here...and maybe head outside for some sunshine since it's so damn beautiful here today.
Happy Thursday.
I say Tuesday because that's the last day to get it all done.
Our flight leaves Wednesday at 7:00 am which means we are at the airport and parked by 5:00 am.
I hope the van survives the parking garage.
She won't know how to act being under cover for that many days.
Dogs to the vet and shots updated.....CHECK.
Kennel contacted and verified.............CHECK.
Budget for gas and parking..................CHECK.
Now, just have to make a list FOR the dogs and their vacation destination. They'll be departing Tuesday afternoon and we'll pick them up Sunday evening.
~Toys (puppies)
~Blanket (maybe)
~Vet documentation
The Girls' list is easy.....
~Dresses and shoes
Mine is a little bit more complicated....
~Curling Iron/Hair Dryer
~The B&I Wedding Binder
~Etc., Etc., Etc.
Needless to say, we'll be using the big honkin' suitcase. Hopefully mom will let us use her little travel one for our night trip to the cities for the wedding.
Did I mention we are totally STOKED!?!?!?!?!?
Should be a great time had by all...if I have anything to say about it.
Well I'm off to get something done around here...and maybe head outside for some sunshine since it's so damn beautiful here today.
Happy Thursday.
As Promised...
Don't ever let me break a promise...{That's why I don't make too many}...Here are the pics!
~Bucket Head Mo...I left out the Naked Slip N Slide ones on purpose!
So there you go...pictures from the last 13 days...I'm off to take Bubba to the vet. Today starts our trip preparations...we'll be busy for the next 6 days! I'll post more about that tomorrow...until then...TTFN!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Catch Up
It's good to be back.
After my last blog post on Ashley's birthday, my computer blew up during a hard rain. I heard a loud *POP* and the power surged a bit, then it went dead. I mean D-E-A-D.
I called the phone company and proceeded to chew some M-A-J-O-R ass. I was not happy. And THEY knew it. I had a telephone repairman at my house that Saturday checking my line to make sure it was grounded. AND I had a brand new upgraded modem the next day as well.
THEN I called HP. Told them my problem and stated that since the computer was only 28 days old, I wanted to exercise my Warranty. THANK GOD FOR THAT. Well, apparently the warranty doesn't cover NEXT DAY AIR. Hence, the absence from your beautiful lives the last 13 days.
That being said, here's the skinny breakdown of what's been going on here.
~Still have 3 puppies for sale. They are cute and getting bigger by the day.
~Had 6 interviews out of those 41 resume's.
~Natalea had a Band Concert and did FABULOUS. Pictures to follow as soon as I edit them.
~Monique does a headstand from a Tri-Pod position...AFTER I show her what a Tri-Pod is....and she LAUGHS HER ASS OFF!
~I was offered a part-time job as an office assistant for Ameriprise Financial. (Found out today that one of the Lawyer's-Mr. Tippett {the one that reminds me of Steve} is still trying to reach Steve for the skinny on me..so Steve...ANSWER THE EMAIL PLEASE ''cause I really want that job!) And his wife is a CM Consultant....he said he wasn't going to let us get together.
~The lawn is growing...and green. I did get the lawnmower out, but I need 2 new tires and a battery before it's operational...and I have to pay for it.
~We leave for our trip in 7 days.
~My Grams is in the hospital with pneumonia. TAKE YOUR ANTIBIOTICS GRAMS!
~Found out today...NEIL DIAMOND is kicking off his tour in St. Paul on July 19, 2008! IMAGINE THAT....it is his favorite city to perform, so he says. Guess I will be vacationing in Minnesota in July. Tom said...Get a job and I can go then! Mom said she was going too..so DOUBLE YAY THERE! Tess will get tickets or mom will..I'll give them the rundown on Ticketmaster next week when I get there! WOOT!
~Girls are excited to go to Minnesota.
~Got the Puppy Papers...they are officially registered pups now.
~And...I cut my hair. Shorter and layered. Look out George, here I COME!
I will leave you with that for now. I will post more in the morning. Back to my usual routine now. Happy Hump Day.
After my last blog post on Ashley's birthday, my computer blew up during a hard rain. I heard a loud *POP* and the power surged a bit, then it went dead. I mean D-E-A-D.
I called the phone company and proceeded to chew some M-A-J-O-R ass. I was not happy. And THEY knew it. I had a telephone repairman at my house that Saturday checking my line to make sure it was grounded. AND I had a brand new upgraded modem the next day as well.
THEN I called HP. Told them my problem and stated that since the computer was only 28 days old, I wanted to exercise my Warranty. THANK GOD FOR THAT. Well, apparently the warranty doesn't cover NEXT DAY AIR. Hence, the absence from your beautiful lives the last 13 days.
That being said, here's the skinny breakdown of what's been going on here.
~Still have 3 puppies for sale. They are cute and getting bigger by the day.
~Had 6 interviews out of those 41 resume's.
~Natalea had a Band Concert and did FABULOUS. Pictures to follow as soon as I edit them.
~Monique does a headstand from a Tri-Pod position...AFTER I show her what a Tri-Pod is....and she LAUGHS HER ASS OFF!
~I was offered a part-time job as an office assistant for Ameriprise Financial. (Found out today that one of the Lawyer's-Mr. Tippett {the one that reminds me of Steve} is still trying to reach Steve for the skinny on me..so Steve...ANSWER THE EMAIL PLEASE ''cause I really want that job!) And his wife is a CM Consultant....he said he wasn't going to let us get together.
~The lawn is growing...and green. I did get the lawnmower out, but I need 2 new tires and a battery before it's operational...and I have to pay for it.
~We leave for our trip in 7 days.
~My Grams is in the hospital with pneumonia. TAKE YOUR ANTIBIOTICS GRAMS!
~Found out today...NEIL DIAMOND is kicking off his tour in St. Paul on July 19, 2008! IMAGINE THAT....it is his favorite city to perform, so he says. Guess I will be vacationing in Minnesota in July. Tom said...Get a job and I can go then! Mom said she was going too..so DOUBLE YAY THERE! Tess will get tickets or mom will..I'll give them the rundown on Ticketmaster next week when I get there! WOOT!
~Girls are excited to go to Minnesota.
~Got the Puppy Papers...they are officially registered pups now.
~And...I cut my hair. Shorter and layered. Look out George, here I COME!
I will leave you with that for now. I will post more in the morning. Back to my usual routine now. Happy Hump Day.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Happy 18th Birthday Ashley!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear GodChild!
Happy Birthday To You!
Dear Ashley,
I wish you the best day ever for your birthday. I know you'll be spending it in school, but at least you're getting an education.
It's hard to believe that just 18 years ago today you were born. That you struggled for your life and proved everyone wrong, just amazes us. I say us, because I know I can speak for Grandma and the rest of the family too. You have surpassed and defied everything they said you wouldn't do. We can't wait to see what else you will do!
As you go through your day today, I want you to know one thing and always remember it.
Live each day of your life as if it was your last. Make the most of all your days, little girl. Like in that song by Tim McGraw--Live Like You Were Dying.
I know I can't be there today, but when I get back to Minnesota at the end of the month, we'll have party for you. I am working on a very special project too for you, with Grandma's help. Megan is helping with the guest list for your party...so make sure to tell her who you want there!
{I don't care what your mom says, we WILL have a party to celebrate your life!}
Do you like the purple? Hehehe...I know it's your favorite color, so just for today for you, it's purple!
Have a great day and I'm off to call you now, as soon as I get the girls up!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear GodChild!
Happy Birthday To You!
Dear Ashley,
I wish you the best day ever for your birthday. I know you'll be spending it in school, but at least you're getting an education.
It's hard to believe that just 18 years ago today you were born. That you struggled for your life and proved everyone wrong, just amazes us. I say us, because I know I can speak for Grandma and the rest of the family too. You have surpassed and defied everything they said you wouldn't do. We can't wait to see what else you will do!
As you go through your day today, I want you to know one thing and always remember it.
Live each day of your life as if it was your last. Make the most of all your days, little girl. Like in that song by Tim McGraw--Live Like You Were Dying.
I know I can't be there today, but when I get back to Minnesota at the end of the month, we'll have party for you. I am working on a very special project too for you, with Grandma's help. Megan is helping with the guest list for your party...so make sure to tell her who you want there!
{I don't care what your mom says, we WILL have a party to celebrate your life!}
Do you like the purple? Hehehe...I know it's your favorite color, so just for today for you, it's purple!
Have a great day and I'm off to call you now, as soon as I get the girls up!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Stacks and Days
I have been in seclusion for most of the day...ONLY because of my PRINTER that kept on having a moment...OR 20! I woulda been done in an hour if I woulda had a new printer. Soon..VERY soon.
18 to Vidalia, GA.
7 to Metter, GA.
6 to Statesboro, GA.
6 to Reidsville, GA.
2 to Glennville, GA.
1 to Lyons, GA.
40 Individualized Cover Letters with Resume's.
Now, if I don't get a call in the next week from that stack, I guess I will have to hunt down the Hottie Postmaster (One day I'll get a picture for you!).
I'm off to mail these now...and take a gander around town as I've not been out in 2 days. Lucky I took a shower and switched pajama's today. Heh. Love my jammie days!
ONE MORE DAY FOR ASHLEY!!! I get to wake her up tomorrow...as only an Aunt could. Now, I just have to pick and chose a time to call her...hehehehe!!! Don't YOU wish YOU were turning 18 tomorrow??!!
Happy Hump Day...I'm just hearing the New Kids On The Block are planning a Reunion Tour...it's the 80's all OVER again!! First George, Then Neil, Now NKOTB! Will it EVER end??
Love Y'all...oh and Gee...Post a Pic of your Johnny would ya?? Or email it to me..and I will post it here!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy April Fool's Day!
While I don't have any jokes to play on you today, I want to still wish you a Happy April Fool's Day. And if you know Mary Vela, tell her Happy Birthday from me as well.
The Countdown is still on...2 days after today...Ashley turns 18!! {I really have to finish up this room so I can get working on her present!} Maybe we should throw her a party when I am home...all those in favor...say "AYE!"...and let me know. I can plan that baby from right here!
Puppies...are getting big. They are 4 weeks today. We tried some puppy chow, mashed up and watered down....that went very well. So we'll be doing that once or twice a day for a week and then increase it from there. It will be a gradual process. Oh, and we took them outside too for a little bit. Chubby loved it, but them girls didn't like it much. They whined and of course my girls cuddled on them to get them to quit whining. It's a vicious cycle around here.
Happy Tuesday to y'all. I hope you have a very productive day! I know I will!!
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