I got a phone call at 10:50 a.m. yesterday....that's when the first puppy arrived. It was a white one. So I waited all day at work for more phone calls...there were none. I called before I left work...there were 5 puppies! So off to Kenyon I go...about 13 miles east. 
There are 6 female and 5 male....2 tan, 3 blonde, and 6 black. And Ruby was a gem for sure...she did her thang without any help from us this time...and no twins this time either. This will be her last litter as she'll get fixed in 6 weeks or so. She hunts too hard to have any more babies...and she's had 3 litters in all. That's plenty for any pooch.
Besides, there's a new kid on the block. Lil Blondy...is only 6 weeks old and the newest addition to the Benzick family. I'll take pics of her next time I get out that way....and more of the new babies too!
So...Happy Birthday Lil Benzick Puppies! And Happy Thursday to the rest of you!
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