Last night’s game was interesting to say the VERY least!
The 7th and 8th graders were mixed up into two different sets of teams, complete with nicknames. The plan was to have 2 teams play first quarter, 2 teams play second quarter and the winners of the quarters, play the second half.
Erik was listed in the program as Erik “You’re Fired!” Trump….78.
Matthew (Kim’s son) was listed as Matthew “Mark, Luke, John” Hennen….68.
COMICAL as all get out!!
The 7th and 8th graders were mixed up into two different sets of teams, complete with nicknames. The plan was to have 2 teams play first quarter, 2 teams play second quarter and the winners of the quarters, play the second half.
Erik was listed in the program as Erik “You’re Fired!” Trump….78.
Matthew (Kim’s son) was listed as Matthew “Mark, Luke, John” Hennen….68.
COMICAL as all get out!!
The there were the Coaches. Coach Atherton (McHOTTIE) and Coach Hauer, Sr. I say Sr. because Referee Hauer is the Jr. (McHOTTIE 2). The other referee’s were Coach Baaken and Coach Wagner (McHOTTIE 3) from the high school varsity team.
Oh and my girls…bless their hearts…were just “EWWWWWWWW”ing at the comments Kim and I made. Kim’s daughter, Emily, thought she was claiming him, she was schooled needless to say.
And don’tcha know, my camera was acting up (although I think I got it now) so I didn’t get very good pictures this time. And you know I damn near killed myself trying to get good pictures. Next year, I’ll be an old pro with Mack Daddy.
I did get some cool shots of the boys lined up on the Scrimmage Line. Little Hauer kept getting in my way and even though he was a nice view, that’s not the view I was looking for. All of my pictures were of the first half as it had started to sprinkle right after Monique was done performing. So we grabbed our gear and headed to the van to watch the second half from the goal post (where the van was strategically parked).
Erik played on the team that played 2nd quarter. The first quarter team ended up playing the second half and lost. After the game, the boys slid into the mud on the field and were having an absolute blast in doing so! Erik just headed in to the locker room, changed, and brought all his gear to the car. It reminded me of that Mean Joe Greene Coke commercial.
My boy had a great time with the 7th grade football program. He plans on being in it next year too.
I think the team ended up with a 8-0 record. They will certainly be a group to watch in the next 3-5 years if they all stay on the team. The varsity team in 2012 will kick some serious ass seabass!
Monique was a part of the half time entertainment. The varsity football cheerleaders put on a Cheer Camp and Monique was a part of it. They dance (or cheer) at the last varsity game on Wednesday. I did get a couple of okay pictures of her. I will try to get more on Wednesday.
1 comment:
Please send my congrats to Erik for having such a great season this year. I know he enjoyed it!! And gotta love my lil cheerleader!! Too cute.
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