Here's my birthday cake...notice the 3 and the 8 made out of candles. Thanks Natalea!!
She's soooo my creative daughter.
Tommy baked the cake and the girls decorated it for me. We had it for dessert after the boys got home from Scouts. We had a delicious ham dinner for my the crock pot...YUM!
(Adobe Photoshop it, too, can do this technique!)
I think she has Flintstone feet...heh!
She is on the Varsity Emerald Danceline squad this year...Go Megs!
Tommy had a good first night at work...swiping chicken in a box in the seasoning department. He has a little bit of adjusting to do, but I think he'll be fine once he gets settled in. He'll be working Monday through Friday 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Kinda sucky hours, but maybe he can advance quickly to something else.
Tomorrow he's got Scout training...he has to be at the church at 6 a.m. He'll be tired for sure. Guess who's taking him, he'll be too tired to drive.
He'll sleep good tomorrow night.
We're looking at buying another van...a Chevy Lumina. It's ok for the price...needs a little work and T.L.C., but it'll work for what we need it for.
Thank God for a boss with his hands in everything. Without Mr. Salter, I wouldn't be able to do half of these things. He is truly an Angel.
Happy Friday!
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