Simply put in one word....AMAZING.
Mo heard it. Live via Tess's cell phone.
My George did NOT disappoint.
Even Tess was amazed.
And we met some new Canuck friends. From Winnipeg even.
(Hi Wham! and George and new Canuck friends from WPG!)
I was taken to the Edge of Heaven and back. Twice.
This was so worth the trip, money, and the heartache it took to get here. Not everyone knows the sacrifices made to get here...there were plenty.
A big honkin' THANK YOU to my family for making it possible too, I couldn't have done it without you guys!
I was so overwhelmed with emotion...those that know me, know I don't cry or tear up, but when the first song was played...Praying for was all so real then. I was here. He was here. WE were here. Tears were here.
We had great seats step off of the floor...100 feet from George. Very cool.
It was a very moving and emotional experience for me. I don't think folks realize exactly how much so. It was so surreal..dream like even. For those 2 hours, my dreams came true. George will probably never read this...and that's ok...but just in case...Thank you George for so having an impact on me and my family, for blessing us with your songs, music, talent, and courage. I don't care that you are gayer than a $3 bill, I love you still, unconditionally. Say it loud and proud.
I'm still tired from the evening's activities. Tess dropped me off at the airport which was pretty much shut down when I got there. I couldn't check in or even go through security. So I napped on the 3rd level of the MSP airport.
Below are some photos as well as the set list...which is not exactly in order but compliments of
XCEL Energy Center, 07/07/2008 SET LIST:
First Half
First Half
Waiting (Reprise)
Fast Love/Im Your Man
Father Figure
First Time Ever
Hard Day
Everything She Wants
One More Try
Different Corner
Easier Affair
Too Funky
IntervalJohn & Elvis video
Second Half
Spinning The Wheel
Feeling Good
Kissing A Fool
Praying For Time
Carless Whisper
Freedom 90
Freedom Reprise

Tour Buses...1-6..George is in there somewhere.

I'll post more after Tess gets them off her cell phone. I think those ones will be better. Her camera doesn't like the dark either...
Happy Tuesday, y'all.
Until we meet again young chap!
Hello sweety,
So glad your dream came true for ya.I am sure if you could of touched or kissed George u would have been in heaven.Thx for the great visit as well.
too short of course.
Pa says thx for the guest book.
He so loved it.Can't wait till we see u again.
Love Lucky MOM
Great posting. We're happy to hear that you made it back safe and sound!
"George" just notified me this morning that there was only about 7000 people at that show. What a tragedy. He was sold out in Vancouver, Canada just 3 days prior (> 18000 people). Maybe next time (hopefully he will tour again in North America) he will do more shows in Canada and you can come to Canada for a show!
Canuck #2 :-)
- Cheers.
Didn't get a chance to say goodbye at the concert! I told my wife and daughter about you as soon as I got back to the hotel.
I had a blast that day! Best concert I ever went to! It's amazing (no pun intended) a one man show can get everyone standing for 3 hours!
Wham! and George are doing well! If the finish their dog food I give them "Wham! or George Michael" music for a treat! But I don't let them listen to "Shoot the dog" song....they would get nightmares.
It was great meeting you guys!
By the way, Wham! Christmas song sounds just as good in the summer too! Listened to it on the way to work today!
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