Thursday, May 29, 2008
Busy Busy Busy!
Tuesday...We found out Tommy will be here around the 10th or 11th. We are excited...and looking forward to some good quality family time. He'll be home in time for Natalea's birthday...he hasn't missed a one...I'm not about to let him start now!
Wednesday...Typical Hump Day...AND Tessie turned 35...OLD LADY is halfway to retirement...GET A JOB SIS!! Hehehe...I hope you had a great day!!
Today...I called order will be Fed Ex'd overnight and it will be here tomorrow! I can hardly wait to play with my new scrappy stuff! Which reminds me...I need to get that Bingo card together too...I need to flock me a fish! The Anniversary Party is this weekend...Ali Edwards will be there...she's a MAJOR CK CELEB!!! BIG, EXCITING, STUFF!!
Well I'm off to cook up some supper...we're having pigs in a blanket...been a while since we've had them! Yummm....
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
To ALL the Servicemen and Servicewomen.
To ALL their family members.
For my Freedoms that I enjoy.
For the sacrifices you gave for me.
For the pride you give me.
For fighting for me.
I'll love you forever.
As long as I live.
I wish you much Peace, Happiness, and Safety this Memorial Day.

Saturday, May 24, 2008
My New Toy

And I'm working a snippit of a video I I'll post that tomorrow!
I am cleaning...and unpacking...and Happy Saturday to ya!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Grasshoppers, Dancing, and Stamps, OH MY!
But TGIF...and Happy Friday to ya...It's Free Goody Friday at ScrapSupply...stalk the message board and shopping area for that!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The next 29 Days...
~Will be filled with cleaning and preparation...
~Schedule is printed out and posted...
In 10 Days...
~ScrapSupply will turn 4...
~BIG HONKIN' HUGE party over there that day...
In 23 Days...
~Natalea will be 12...
~We are having a slumber party...I think...
In 29 Days...
~Tommy and Erik will be home...
Happy Thursday y'all!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Did you all see that comment from the best selling author??
Fame has found me once again.
And did I mention that I emailed Mr. Holloway and he emailed me back? He's so humble...and sweet.
Also...Mr. Meighan emailed me as well. So it's been a good week, fame-wise.
Party at the office this week...Mr. Tippett is on vacation. He and his wife are taking her 2 sons to Disneyworld. Better him than me. Although Tommy wants to go and take the kids, I just don't see that happening soon.
Maybe next year...after we've earned a week's vacation and get everything in order here.
But until then...I'll enjoy the peace and quiet around here...and maybe take a trip up the road to Atlanta...and explore that Piemont Park and Avon Avenue...the 4200 block...hehehe! I might have to take a weekend scrappy getaway for the ClassyScrapper's Crop in August. I thought maybe we could all go up for the weekend..I can scrap and they can play in the pool at the hotel!
First I have to get my plane tickets to Minnesota...I got me a couple of HOT HOT dates in July!
30 Days...Until Tommy and Erik arrive...and if these girls don't get it together...they won't make it! I reckon he'll be here BY the 20th of June...provided that check is on time. We'll improvise if not...but say a prayer that it's on time so I can have my family all together again! It's been a tough, long road for us...but we're gonna Git Er Done!
Oh...and just in case...Congratulations JP on graduation!! It's hard to believe that little boy has grown to be a man. JP is Tom's cousin's son...for those of you that didn't know who he was. Good Luck JP!!
Happy Tuesday...Here's to a productive day today...c[_]...CHEERS!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Birthdays and Other Tidbits

I hope you have the most fantabulous day mom...I love you and Happy Birthday!! And once again...32 years later...everyone knows your age! Your package will be UPS'd this week!
Other tidbits....
35 days approximately until Tommy and Erik get here. I can hardly wait. They have a chore list a mile long...per their'll keep them busy this summer!
I managed to get my bedroom and my bathroom done this weekend...but that was it. I did have 4 rooms on my list...but Sunday I was so wiped out and didn't feel good enough, that I just laid in bed most of the day and watched Madea all day.
If you haven't already, go get those movies...anything Tyler Perry...with Madea as the main too stinkin' hilarious! That man is truly gifted with his entertaining...I just love him! It'd be fun if he'd sneak down here to Collins and show up on my doorstep...I'd crack up for sure once he brought that Madea voice out!
So I have laundry going on...and dishes soaking...and clothes to fold on my bed already this morning...and much of the same for the rest of the week...with a few other things thrown in just for fun!
What's in your wallet??
Happy Monday...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Purge Time
8 Days.
We can do this.
We have to.
I should clarify, I CAN DO THIS. I'm sure the girls won't help much. And I won't have time to stand over them and make them do it. I'll do it myself.
Clean Sweep...Room By Room...Fast and Furious...Before June 13.
Now, who's got duct tape and rope so I can hogtie and tape those girls up so they don't make a mess right behind me?
Don't make me pull Madea now...Beat that ass now and ask questions later. I'm tellin' ya. (LOVE ME SOME TYLER PERRY and MADEA!)
On to more pleasant things...I love, love, LOVE my job. The ladies I work with are awesome! They are so kind and sweet and quick to answer any questions I have...and now I'm officially a Public Notary in the State of Georgia! And my boss ROCKS too! He's so laid back...and easy to get along with...he doesn't get excited about things much either...makes for an easy work environment...not hostile in the least bit!
One more week of school for the kids...their last day is May 23. Darn. Someone shoulda made them go all year around. They are excited to finish up and start their summer. I'll have to come up with some creative ideas for them to stay out of trouble while I'm at work until Tommy and Erik get here...please post if you have some to share.
In the meantime, I will have chores for them to do and I won't have to wake them up in the mornings. They'll be okay. We'll Git Er Done. We always do! We're the Git Er Done girls!
Well it's Friday...that means 2 things...Payday and it's the weekend baby!
Happy Friday...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thank you Turbo Tax for that clarification. I feel special now, and I appreciate your input Mr. you didn't know you were posting on "It's All About The M's!".
I, unfortunately, had my fees deducted from my return, so I will in fact be getting that paper check. I want to clarify that I was very happy with Turbo Tax and it's software. It was very user-friendly and I will be using it again. HOWEVER, I will be opting for the other option and will NOT have my fees deducted from my refund. I also want to state that I did not intend to bash Turbo Tax and I hope they didn't see it that way. I am more upset at myself for, once again, being in a hurry to get things done and having to wait a little longer for Tommy and Erik to get here.
Matter of fact, I told Tommy just the other night, his marriage was safe, because I'm not divorcing him and being a single parent. Kudos to all those that do it...but 'tis not for me!
Okay, moving on. It's 3 a.m. I must be lonely. I have a load of wash in the machine and dishes soaking in the sink. I'll thaw out some chicken for supper tonight and see where that takes me.
The weather has been gorgeous since our Mother's Day Storm...not humid or hot really at all. I've had the windows open and a breeze coming in them since then and it's been chilly at night with the fan on!
And the highlight o f my week...I have to make a list of all the chores around here that have to get done in the next month...and then break them down so they're not so overwhelming for us. Things have to be done before Tommy gets here next month with the rest of our stuff...and I have to make room for another 16 foot truck full of it!! Then the weekend after he gets here,(weather cooperating, of course) we are having a sale...everything must go including some scrappy stuff!! Not sure there is a huge market for scrappy stuff around these parts, but we'll find out! (I'm using the pricing guide of one of the ScrapSupply we'll see...and anything scrappy sold, gets turned into more toys for me!)
Hey, it's Hump Day! Halfway through my work week...and payday for Tommy too! Gotta love that! Have a great day! I'm off to get the dishes done...I've slacked for too long already!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Turbo Tax Users Beware!
Because Turbo Tax sets up a temporary account in which you can recieve your taxes by direct deposit, you will receive a paper check in the mail. All this is according to the Turbo Tax site.
I'm not pleased...and even though it was easy to use Turbo Tax and I did it myself, I think in the future I will pay for someone to do them directly through the IRS.
That means...Tommy and Erik won't be here for another month at least. I haven't told the girls yet...Natalea will be so disappointed that they will miss her birthday. And I'll have to devise a plan for them to get here, so that we can CASH that dang check together as both our names will be on it. Anyone want to loan me $1000?
Happy Monday!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day Weekend
We are supposed to go to Tybee Island today. I wanted to go to the Dolphin Reef ( restaurant with the girls so that they could enjoy a lunch with an ocean view. (I had that pleasure in Hawaii when Tess got married) Then we'd hit the beach for some sun and surf and photo ops of course. But as of this hour, we haven't gotten that tax surplus check yet, so we'll see what the day brings us.
If nothing else, I will stay home in the air conditioning and work on scrapping that album and editing those photos...2 projects in the works. I'm uploading photos now, so maybe I will work on that a while today. I think I won't spend a lot of time at one sitting with the photo editing as I think my eyes will bug out...or something...and I'll lose that artistic ability fast. But I'll get it done, and it'll be well worth that wait.
Typing all that, I just had a thought. "Mr. C and Mrs. C, Happy!!"
I's sick...but did you expect anything less? I think not.
**Oh yeah, apparently my Best Man up and got married on me...Congratulations Babe! I want a copy of that Marriage just don't believe it yet...You KNOW I'll always love you!!**
Well, I better get the dishes's gonna be a scorcher today I think and I won't be doing housework this afternoon!
Happy Saturday everyone...and I wish you all the best day!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
NSD~Day 2
Now THIS is my kinda work...complete with a hinged hidden journaling tag.
Here Fishy, Fishy! This was Torm's Challenge....that girl not only cracks me up...but she can paper piece like nobody's business!! We did find her panties...Monique stole them! You can see more of Torm's work over yonder at the sidebar under Sharyn Tormanen.

And Technique Tuesday Loves Me Still stamps! First time I've ever used them...and wow I am in love with these stamps!! {Thanks Torm for hooking me up with Technique Tuesday!} This was the product of Tania Willis' Stamp and Stitch challenge. All of these challenges can be viewed at the sidebar under ScrapSupply....that's where I was at all weekend. Lastly, but not leastly, we sold Blondie tonight. Yep, our little blonde sweetheart is gone...but to a great home...The Marcotte's bought her around 6:15 pm tonight and can't wait to get copies of the photos we took of her! I think Blondie will be very happy with her new home.
So...then there were 2...blackies...boy and girl. Double Trouble even...hehe!
Happy Sunday...much love to you this fine day!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
National Scrapbooking Day

Yes, I have been busy.
Yes, I got alot done.

You see...
Bubba...was being a stinker...he escaped twice today. Of course, then his girlfriend has to go and escape too and see what he does while he's out. It's a good thing I don't know how to use that gun, I'd a had 2 less dogs. Heh. NOT.FUNNY.
Back to NSD....
There were about 10 challenges...I have completed 6 of them...the deadline is tomorrow at 7pm. I am going to begin that "18" album after I'm done with this. One of the challenges is conveniently a mini album challenge!

Tomorrow...I start editing the B&I photos....I will have to play around with this a bit...I bet I can turn out some AWESOME pics!! Tomorrow...I will be unavailable due to the editing process taking so much concentration...not to mention all the hotties I'll be drooling over!!
Please schedule an appointment with my secretary, should you need me.
So, my day was productive...What did y'all do this fine Saturday??