Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Some People
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
That poem hangs on my bedroom wall.
I don't know who authored it either.
If you are reading this, you are "Some People."
And I thank you for whispering your wisdom to me and teaching me.
And I thank you for leaving your footprints on my heart and just know that I will never, ever be the same because of it.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My World
My cool collection of other treasures...Jars that we found here!! Awesome woman's trash is another woman's treasure!!
All these jars (except the Prima ones) were also found here. I put my flower collection in them. It will remind me to take time to smell the flowers most days...and I need to scrap more too!!
On another note, I was hanging clothes out yesterday and had some random thoughts. So my question is to you...How do your shorts hang? Do we all hang our clothes the same way?
My shorts hang by the waist...while my pants hang by the legs. Hehe.
Have a wonderamous day, ya'll. Take time to smell the's a brand new day everyday.
Monday, January 28, 2008
My room (minus the electric blanket cord) and what it smells like!! YUMMMMM!!!!
My bathroom...A Starry Night always!! {It smells like the bedroom, imagine that!}
Two little girls waiting on the Prince in his white horse to pick them up at the end of the driveway and bring them up to the house. They sure were cute standing out there!! But alas, he'll have to show up another day when he's got more time to play (and bring the boy too!!).
And last, but certainly not least, Happy Birthday Dad. My dad would have been 70 today had he been here. We miss you dad!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Aunt Donna
Aunt Donna passed away around 7pm central time Saturday, January 26, 2008. She is survived by her husband Ron, their three daughters, a son in law, three grandsons and brother, sisters, and nieces and nephews. She will be missed immensly.
Aunt Donna was one of the first people to welcome me whole heartedly into Tom's family. She never judged and she never held a grudge. I loved to hear her stories about her travels or past family get togethers. She held this family together after Jeanie died. Everyone always went to her for family information. She was our rock.
Yes I will miss Aunt Donna, as will the rest of the family. She was the sweetest, kindest, most caring person you'd ever want to meet.
Rest In Peace, Aunt Donna. We love you very much!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Cause and effect if you will.
I can't do this because of that.
I can't do that because of this.
Tedious even. I hate tedious. I have no patience for tedious. Truly.
But just as I am sitting here typing this up, God is testing my strength once again.
That doesn't kill me, will only make me stronger. Thanks Kanye West for that song.
I will prevail though, don't worry about that. I'm too stubborn and bullheaded (Thanks Grandpa) not too make it to the finish line with this project.
Things are coming along though.
Tiffany has been here almost every single day to help me. (Thanks Tiffany!)
I have managed to accomplish getting Mo's room done, Nat's room done, and my scraproom done (except the organizing...that's the tedious that I love!). I have a few touchups in my bathroom and the girls' bathroom to do and they will be done.
What's left you ask?
Living Room
Dining Room
My Bedroom
And...the other house....4 rooms there with lots of treasures!
(Mom if you want them, come get them!)
And...the shed...after Aunt Mary comes to get what she wants.
(I'm sure we will be having a sale in the spring as well. Antiques galore...come on down!)
Then there is all the outside work to be done. I have to cut trees and limbs down as well as move a few trees. Rake the lawn, get rid of Fire Ant hills, landscape, etc.(Thanks advance!)
Easy you might say...but you don't know how I have to wash the walls all down, vacuum the room, move furniture, etc., etc. Tedious I tell you. Persnickity...maybe, but it will be well worth it. And it will be our home and hopefully critter free.
In the spring I'll do the windows, but not until then.
And I am still the wishy washy washer woman. (Thanks Tormado!)
Nothing smells better than your clothes being dried on the line. And having been rained on. I'll get the wash all done...and hang it all out tomorrow. I'll be getting a new pole soon and then a retractable line I think. Gotta love hanging the clothes out though. Gives a whole new meaning to planning your wardrobe.
I'll be posting some photos stay tuned for that!
But for right now, I may have company coming tomorrow, so I need to get my rear in gear and make this place presentable!
Happy Saturday, ya'll!
Love ya much!
Friday, January 18, 2008
New House Pictures
We like our new house and can't wait for Tom and Erik and Gabby to arrive. I hope to have it all done up the way we want by the time they get here. It's a slow process though and alot of sweat equity. There are things that need some fixin' up, but then those who know me well, know that is right up my alley! If you put Martha Stewart and Bob Vila together, well there ya have me!
It will all come together and fall into place once we get everything here. I'll have access to all my tools and things needed to complete our new home.
Until we meet again....and I get pictures of the inside...
Our Trip
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Christmas 2007
Erik decided that he would personally wrap up his cousin's present for her.
It was an iTunes Giftcard, mind you.
And it was not pretty to watch Oscar opening up her gift. Although she handled it well.
She did love the end result you can see from the smile on her face.
And to think, it all started with a big honkin' box....a smaller box....lots of newspapers....a pair of socks....and the iTunes giftcard wrapped up inside of those! We are evil...but we have soooo much fun!!
I apologize for the delay in the blog, but we've been super ubber busy in the last month packing up our house (the landlord chose not to renew our lease) and slowly moving things out of it and into Lynn's garage for the time being.
We have an awesome opportunity to buy a double wide trailer with 5 acres of land (Nanny's House) for a nice price with no middleman involved....contract for deed kinda like. So when opportunity knocked, I opened the door and this weekend we are leaving for Collins, Georgia!

Have a great week ya'll!! I will be busy packing up...but I will document my adventure via Mack Daddy this weekend and post it on Monday after I get my internet hooked up!