Every year, they look forward to getting their new ornament and seeing what mom has picked out for them this year. I'll do this for each child every year until they turn 21 or graduate from college.
This year, Monique is as tall as our little tree. Since we don't have the space for it, we didn't go out and get a real tree. We borrowed this one from Tom's sister, Lynn. It's so small, we couldn't put any of Erik's ornaments on there at all! So just the girls' ornaments are on there...Next year will be different!
Blue and Silver....Beads and Ribbon....Clear lights....that's what adorn our tree this year.
The Angel...always goes on the tree last...and gets put there by the baby of the family. It's tradition even though this is not the original Marlar Angel. She's tucked away safe and will come out next year, once again.
I put on the only Christmas music I like...Neil Diamond...and we went to town putting up our little tree. Now mind you, the tree was so small, that Erik couldn't hang his ornaments up as they are all metal and heavy. That's why his are lined up on top of the entertainment center.
Happy Weekend To You!
Well at least your tree is green. bring your camera over so you can take a picture of my tree lol. mine is white ceramic, with bluebirds on the ends. very pretty. of course it has to be put up high due to remmy. we can not have a regular tree cause he will pull it over. Your tree looks pretty, and Erik's ornaments look good where they are......your awesome mom
Great blog!
Such a great tradition you have of buying the kids their hallmark ornaments each year. Believe it or not....my Aunt does the same for all her nieces and nephews and her own kids!!
I love the tradition and I think my mom would love your Christmas tree because she doesn't like the really BIG trees. I browsed through the rest of your blogs and i must say i love all of it. You've got yourself a new fan on here, but maybe you already knew that... I even bookmarked the link!
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