Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Gabryelle!

Yesterday my little girl turned 10 years old. She’s my third child and the one with my sense of humor. She’s my thoughtful child and the one least likely to get into trouble or not deviate from the laws of MOM. She’s my little bookworm and straight A student. She could care less about sports as long as she’s got a good book in her hands.

She’s the one that wouldn’t stay with the babysitter unless the sitter had my nightgown over her shoulder when she was a baby. She cried for her mommy.

And when she got to be five years old, she laid in my bed one night and said, “Let’s talk mom.” I said, “What do you want to talk about Gabby?” She said so calmly I might add, “Let’s talk about sex mom.”

Yes, this is THAT child.

When I was pregnant with her, I thought for sure she was a boy. I had the same kind of pregnancy with her as I did with Erik. I was so for sure she was all male…until the Ultrasound Technician told me she was a girl. It’s a good thing I was laying down already, or I would have passed out and fallen over. We knew then that she wouldn’t look like the other two kids. She would look like her daddy. She would be a miniature Tom for sure.

So as I was reading the V.C. Andrews books (the Ruby Series), I came up with her name. Since I didn’t like the spelling of Gabrielle, I changed it up a bit and put the Y back in it like the Y instead of I rule in English. Jeanie is her grandmother’s middle name and the name her grandma preferred to be called. I was always going to call her Ellie…for short. Lord knows I still don’t like Gabby for a nickname, but that’s what everyone calls her. And if she’s in trouble…she’s Jeanie. Although, if you’re Monique, you call her Ga. Gabryelle likes that though…she’s kind of fond of her little sister.

She truly is a one of a kind child. I’m lucky and fortunate to have her.
I love you Gabryelle Jeanie!



Anonymous said...

Hello Gabryelle
Sorry i missed your birthday better late then never sweetheart
can't wait to see you at Christmas
Grandma lucky

Anonymous said...

Hey Gabby......Happy Birthday darling....and I beg a differ with you Tonja.....she takes after her grandma Gee!!! lol....who also has that quirky sense of humor and being the bookworm. You are very a very unique, one of a kind grandchild,and I love you terribly for it........Grandma Gee