Monday, December 24, 2007
'Twas The Night Before Christmas...
And all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse!
The stockings are hung by the door with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be here.
The children will be nestled all snug in their beds,
With visions of presents dancing in their heads.
The presents are wrapped and under the tree,
I sure hope they got something good for me!
Yes, Christmas is our favorite day,
So from our house to yours,
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a great night!
The Trump's
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Gabryelle's Christmas Concert
Gabby's Christmas concert was December 18, 2007 and it was absolutely entertaining! The kids had to dress up like music stars...and Gabby chose Soulja Boy. Mr. McMusic even had his brother come in and play drums for the "Heavy Metal" part of the program. It was awesome!! Gabby saw me up in the back of the bleachers and was watching my every move...hence the red eye in some of her pictures!
The kids did a great job and it was one of the best concerts yet!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Natalea's Christmas Concert
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Tis The Season
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Happy Birthday Gabryelle!
She’s the one that wouldn’t stay with the babysitter unless the sitter had my nightgown over her shoulder when she was a baby. She cried for her mommy.
And when she got to be five years old, she laid in my bed one night and said, “Let’s talk mom.” I said, “What do you want to talk about Gabby?” She said so calmly I might add, “Let’s talk about sex mom.”
Yes, this is THAT child.
When I was pregnant with her, I thought for sure she was a boy. I had the same kind of pregnancy with her as I did with Erik. I was so for sure she was all male…until the Ultrasound Technician told me she was a girl. It’s a good thing I was laying down already, or I would have passed out and fallen over. We knew then that she wouldn’t look like the other two kids. She would look like her daddy. She would be a miniature Tom for sure.
So as I was reading the V.C. Andrews books (the Ruby Series), I came up with her name. Since I didn’t like the spelling of Gabrielle, I changed it up a bit and put the Y back in it like the Y instead of I rule in English. Jeanie is her grandmother’s middle name and the name her grandma preferred to be called. I was always going to call her Ellie…for short. Lord knows I still don’t like Gabby for a nickname, but that’s what everyone calls her. And if she’s in trouble…she’s Jeanie. Although, if you’re Monique, you call her Ga. Gabryelle likes that though…she’s kind of fond of her little sister.
She truly is a one of a kind child. I’m lucky and fortunate to have her.
I love you Gabryelle Jeanie!
Monday, December 3, 2007
So we checked out of the hotel at 11 a.m. and headed to...where else...HOOTERS! We decided to have lunch there and watch part of the game...until the Vikings scored again and the waitress ran through the restaurant with the Vikings Flag again....Tiff had had off we ventured to the Mall of America.
We parked close to Macy's on the West Side and went in to Macy's in search got it...POLO! {Do you think we LOVE that smell?}
We hit a couple other stores and then Tiffany said to me..."I don't have anything Minnesota." Alrighty then, we'll just fix that! We headed to the MN Store..and a sports store...and hooked her up with some MN gear...Gophers, Vikings, and UFF DA'S! She is now officially a Minnesota girl! We also found something really cute for our Bride and Groom too!! {You'll get that for Christmas}

Me, posing for Victoria's Secret!
Then around 3 p.m. I took Tiffany to the MSP Airport. We said our goodbyes and she went into the airport with a promise to text and call when she got to the gates and landed the planes. Little did we know...that was just the beginning of the adventure for her!
She made it to Charlotte without incident. Once in Charlotte though, she learned they had cancelled her flight due to maintenance issues....go figure! So they flew her into Hilton Head and taxi cabbed her to Savannah from there. She had to get back for her surgery this excuses...and no room for errors either! She made it to Savannah...she called me in a panic because she couldn't find her vehicle...she made it home at 1 a.m.
And that was our 3 posts!
Happy Monday ya'll!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday Night~Joe's Crab Shacked!
Of course, I asked for Joey...our FAVORITE WAITER! Take it all off Joey!! {He's such a great sport about it too!} He was tickled that we were there...once again. He's the one we always ask for...and the one we always photograph the most too! He always treats us so special when we are there and just caters to our every whim! When we asked for a dance...this is what they gave us!
I was asked to produce a Snow she requested...just for you Chip! {Ya Nut!} The guy that was staying next door to us watched us do all this, and then wanted to make sure that we had seen snow before....what a weirdo he was! I thanked him for his concern and for watching our little show....can you say DORK??
Friday Night~Hooter-ized!
We spent the day driving around the greater northern Minneapolis area as I was taking Tiffany on a tour of the cities. We ended up at the Polo Outlet Store in Albertville in search of none other than POLO splash on cologne. {They didn't have it either!}
We made our way to HOOTERS by 4:01 p.m....just like we promised! Little did we know...The next 6 hours would be the funnest! Here are some promised.