Monday, November 18, 2013

2 Years, 1 Day

Two years ago I opted to change my life. Little did I know that it would be a blessing and a curse. I had bariatric surgery (the Sleve Gastrectomy procedure) to help me loose the extra weight that I had been carrying around since I was 10 years old.

So today, November 18, 2013 marks the 2 year and 1 day anniversary of the above mentioned surgery.  I took my measurements this morning, as I did last year and every month for the first year, so that I can see the progression or digression.  Here they are.

Weight=178 pounds (up 12 pounds from last year)
Hips=44.5 inches (up 2 inches and my pants tell me this)
Waist=34 inches (up 1 inch)
Bust=37.5 inches (up 1.5 inches, more boobies for me!)
Chest=34 inches (down half an inch)
Thighs= R=27.5, L=27.5 (up 2.5 inches and symmetrical)
Arms= R=14, L=14 (up 1 inch and symmetrical)

So while I've digressed a little bit, I am not worried about it as it's been about the same for the whole last year. I see the dietician and the doctor tomorrow and I'm sure they will be pleased with my stability, but at the same time last year, the dietician told me that 140 pounds was my "healthy" BMI range to shoot for. Not sure that I agree with her, but it's something to shoot for. 

Remember in the beginning that I did not set a weight loss goal, but rather my goal was simply to fit into my sister's clothes. While last summer I achieved that goal, now I must set a new one (or two) for the next year. 

This next year I would like to lose 28 pounds and get down to 150.
I would also like to start exercising more so that I can tone up instead of flab down.

I'm hoping with the new position at the Faribault Correctional Facility, I will achieve these goals.  That's a lot of walking and being on your feet, which burns way more calories than sitting on your ass charting about behaviors. 

Until next time,

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