Twelve years ago today at exactly 11:58 a.m. I gave birth to my last child Monique Louise Trump. The history of her name is deep as she was named after my childhood friend Nicole Monique Johnson. I loved Nicole's middle name and always told her I was naming my daughter after her. Monique was supposed to be Monique Nicole after Nicole, but my mom was a little jealous that Gabby's middle name was after Tom's mom so we named Mo after my mom's middle name. Turns out that Louise is an old family name and belongs to a great-great aunt, my cousin Janine, and my mother. We couldn't be happier with our choice of a name for this baby girl. She has nicknames like Mo, Mo-Lou, Louie, and MoniQue. She has amazed us in ways that we could never imagine. She was walking at 8 months old and talking shortly afterwards. She is funny, silly, goofy, and beautiful all wrapped up in one. She has had to fight for herself with her 2 sisters and brother. Although she favors her brother over her sisters (when he's not picking on her). This year she played football on the 6th grade boy's team. She learned alot, played hard, and kicked ass and took names. She is my blonde baby and sometimes shows it (Bless her heart!). She is the good child still and doesn't sass back her parents yet. Hopefully she never will. At 12 she is in the 6th grade. She gets good grades and still listens when we tell her to get her homework done. She still loves on her momma and daddy. She's still a little girly, but sometimes lets the tomboy out. She is my pride and joy and my baby of all my babies. She's everything we hoped she would be and much, much more! We love you baby!!
Love Always,
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