Friday, June 15, 2007


The Library book is in!
The Boss is gone...for the weekend!
It's Friday...need I say more??
It's Heritage Days Weekend...again...self explanatory!!
I drank my first Mountain Dew in a week at work this morning...and LIVED TO TELL!!
It's Natalea's Birthday Party tomorrow at my mom's...she's fixing lunch!!
Rockstar by Nickelback is on the radio...KS95!
I took in $850 for the Boss today!
I can see that raise in my future for sure now!! :)

On a side note though...Double Bubble Bubble Gum..does NOT hold flavor like it used to!

"Well we all just wanna be big rockstars, live in hilltop houses driving 15 cars"

AND....I'm proud to put a blurb up here about my favorite afternoon radio show...Moon and Stacy on KS95! They are totally hilarious and tons of fun! They make my afternoons go by so fast some days...and my ride home seem so peaceful and easy! Thanks to them for that...and make sure to catch them Monday-Friday from 2-7 p.m.!

Happy Friday to ya! Muah's and Hugs....TT

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