I have a U-shaped desk. Actually 2 desks in a U shape. The one on the right is my computer desk. The one on the left is where my typewriter and closed out file cards are. The main desk is where my calendar and office supplies are. And sometimes on a nice day, I like to stare out the window behind me! And when I make copies, I like to stand there and look out that window..makes the copying so much easier and less tedious!
Wednesday was full of emotion. You see, in 1979 my dad and his bandmate, Chill Hillman made a couple of 45 demo records at Sound 80 Recording Studio. A couple months ago I contacted a recording studio out of Minneapolis to see if they could put those 45's onto a CD for me. I figured I'd pay the money to preserve that piece of history. Well I didn't hear anything until the guy called me back on Sunday night. I talked with my mom and she said that we might as well get ALL of his recordings together and do them all at once. Great idea mom. According to my mom, my dad's cousin George has a record from way before I was born. And my Grandpa taped a performance at the Cedar Inn in Owatonna when I was a baby. Anywho, for $75 per hour of studio time, I can have it done. I just need to schedule it in and get the money and recordings together.
Then...I started thinking about Copyright Laws. Uh oh...now what do I do? Well I find out that if you OWN it and you're not distributing for purpose of money, then it's still legal. And since both bandmates are dead, the surviving heirs have ownership. Then I got to thinking again. What if the drummer of the band is on that record? I have to contact him. So now I'm on a mission to find and contact him. And when I googled his name I found this picture:
Yep, that's him. Our pal Hal. Drummer extraordinaire. So on a mission I go. Lucky for me, I'm a great detective and can find people of the past rather easily.
That brings us to today, Thursday. Happy Birthday Grandpa. He would have been 92 I believe. Today is also his death anniversary. He was born and died on the same exact day. How cool is that. Don't tell the rest of the family, but I thought it was pretty awesome. And surely something you don't see everyday. Very cool.
Now that the week is caught up, I'll try to post more tomorrow so I don't get so behind. Sorry for the windy post, but I sure had a lot to say!
Happy Thursday to you!
your grandfather would have been 93 today. u r full of it......
Tonja, I have a friend in Carver MN who is interested in the demo music that your dad and Chill Hillman made in 1979. He saw Chill performing in Mpls and really liked his work. Maybe your dad was there playing with Chill at the time? Wondering if you ever got CDs made from the demo records? We will contact you by phone soon. Thanks, Mike in Shakopee, Roger in Carver.
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