Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Accomplishments Torm would say.
Tom actually read some of the Debt Proof Living book yesterday. I'm actually impressed.
I went to 2 more banks yesterday. And after comparing rates, I made my decision. Whoda thunk that interest rates would vary that much.
So today, I will open my account up. Baby steps, I say. It will all come together.

I'm almost finished with Mary Hunt's The Complete Cheapskate. It pretty much reiterates what she says in the Debt Proof Living book. I'll be starting Live Your Life For Half Price today as well. The Boss will be gone this afternoon and all of tomorrow, so I'll have time to read if he doesn't give me a list of crap to do. And work on my Weekly Spending Plan. And the Rapid Debt Repayment Plan too. Thanks again Torm, for turning me on to this. I'll be preachin' about it more to the family once I get it all together.

And I decided that I could save more monies by reinstating my Mary Kay Consultant status. I'll save 50% on my product. The other 50% will go into one of my funds. I haven't quite decided yet which one. That'll come though. So mom, if you read this, put your order in...and tell Tess to do the same. She could really use the!

Happy Hump Day. Have a great day.

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