Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Another Concert Under My Belt

Next Tuesday I'm going to see Alice Cooper with Rob Zombie. Yep, Alice.
This ain't no George Michael I know. But it should be a great time anyway. He did have some pop songs in the 80's that I remember. As for RZ...who the hell is he? LOL! :)

It's a small sacrifice to make yet another friend's birthday a little more special. I agreed to go because it's my buddy Joe's birthday (he'll be 42 and we went to Jr. High together) and he really wanted to go and has nobody else to go with. If he wouldn't have gotten the tickets, we (the kids and I) would have had a little birthday party for him. Everyone's birthday should be special, no matter who they are.

All my life, all my birthday's were and continue to be special. That's how it SHOULD be. That's YOUR day to celebrate YOUR life and life is a gift in itself and should be specially celebrated. Get my point yet? I *HEART* MY BIRTHDAY!

Tommy just laughed when I told him. He knows I'm no rocker chick...I'm all about George and M&M's for pity's sake! Throw in some Neil Diamond and hey you have my whole life in music!

Tommy comes home tomorrow. I can't wait to see him...I actually miss him for once! Life is good ya know. Except can someone please ask God to turn on the sunshine and heat? It's cold here at a very windy 56 right now. My fingers are almost too cold to type this up...such is life in MN. One day Dear Jesus I am going back south to Tybee. Speakin' of which, I need to order up my onions. Anyone else want any? HOLLA! :)


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